Research film: Setting patients up for success following diagnosis

In a climate of reduced budgets and an ageing population, how can the NHS do more with less? 

How might we increase the focus on prevention and help patients make lasting, positive changes to their health?

Each year, we conduct a pro-bono project to uncover insight about one of the most pressing challenges facing our clients. This year we explored how patients manage long-term health conditions following diagnosis.

We used video ethnography to put people’s voices and experiences front and centre, allowing them to tell us about what worked for them and the support they wish they’d had in their own words. 

Over four months, we worked with three people who’d recently been diagnosed with a long-term health condition to create short, impactful, richly detailed videos about their experiences. We immersed ourselves in their day-to-day lives, observing and understanding the impacts of their conditions and the challenges they face as they try to make changes.

Find out what we learnt and access the full report here.

Research film: Setting patients up for success following diagnosis

In a climate of reduced budgets and an ageing population, how can the NHS do more with less? 

How might we increase the focus on prevention and help patients make lasting, positive changes to their health?

Each year, we conduct a pro-bono project to uncover insight about one of the most pressing challenges facing our clients. This year we explored how patients manage long-term health conditions following diagnosis.

We used video ethnography to put people’s voices and experiences front and centre, allowing them to tell us about what worked for them and the support they wish they’d had in their own words. 

Over four months, we worked with three people who’d recently been diagnosed with a long-term health condition to create short, impactful, richly detailed videos about their experiences. We immersed ourselves in their day-to-day lives, observing and understanding the impacts of their conditions and the challenges they face as they try to make changes.

Find out what we learnt and access the full report here.


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